“Born on a Tuesday” is a razor-sharp novel about a young man’s journey to adulthood. Set in Northern Nigeria, few years after religious clashes led to instability, is…
Browsing Category Reviews
Review: Lady Tan’s Circle of Women
“Whether animal or woman, we are a man’s possessions. We women exist to give him heirs and feed, clothe and amuse him. Never forget that,” Respectful Lady instructs…
Review: The Sun Sets in Singapore
Set in the lush and luxurious cityscape of Singapore, “The Sun Sets in Singapore” otherwise known as “In Such Tremendous Heat” to American readers is a riveting tale…
Review: “Wandering Souls” on Vietnamese Refugee Experience
In Vietnamese culture, if someone is not properly honored with a burial, “their souls are cursed to wander the earth aimlessly, as ghosts.” This is a story of…
Review: “Yellowface” on Cultural Appropriation and White Privilege
“Yellowface” is a satirical account of the ugliness in the publishing industry- it is funny, and deeply uncomfortable. “Yellowface” will be one of the iconic novels that define…
Review: The Scent of Burnt Flowers
“The Scent of Burnt Flowers” is a historical fiction by filmmaker, Blitz Bazawule, that chronicles how impulsive, and reckless decisions shape our lives. It begins in 1960s where…
Review: “Maame” by Jessica George
This stunning debut by Jessica George is set in London, where we meet Maddie, her chronically-ill father, her absent and domineering mother, and an unreliable brother. It’s a…
Review: How Not To Drown in A Glass of Water
“My name is Cara Romero, and I came to this country because my husband wanted to kill me.” Angie Cruz from ‘How Not To Drown in A Glass…
Review: Small Worlds by Caleb Azumah Nelson
There are books you read, simply to pass time and occupy your mind. Yet, there are others which creep into your life, and slowly but surely, change how…
Review: As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow
“Every lemon will bring forth a child, and the lemons never die out.” Zoulfa Katouh from “As Long as The Lemon Trees Grow” This is single-handedly one of…